How Far Along: 34 Weeks
Weight Gain/Loss: 14lbs from the beginning to now.
Sleep: Great actually. Waking up twice to use the bathroom is the only problem I have at night now.
Best Moment This Week: Hearing the girls heartbeats and scheduling my induction date.
Movement: Less then normal and mostly down and around my pelvic area.
Food Cravings/Aversions: ICE! I have been eating ice for the past couple weeks and can't stop.
What I Miss: Walking normal and not having pelvic pain all the time.
Stretch Marks: Yep!
Belly Button: Outie.
Wedding Rings: They fit but start irritating me half way through the day.
Mood: Tired & Ready to have these babies!
Labor Signs: Short cervix, light contractions, slower fetal movement, and the girls dropped.
Milestones: My first NST was yesterday & I have 19 days left until I get induced!!
Doctor Appointments: I saw Dr. Wood yesterday and had my first NST which went great. I don't have another appointment with Dr. Dolkart until May 1st, if I don't have the girls sooner.
What I look forward to: Having these babies out & holding them!
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