Today I went to Dr. Wood in Troy. I had my first NST* and the normal checkup. We also talked about induction, what will happen, and picked a date!
My pregnancy schedule goes as followed: 2 weeks left until I reach "full term" & 6 weeks left until my due date. We can now officially add 2 weeks and 6 days until my induction date! If the twins don't come before hand we will be having Cinco De Mayo babies! May 5th at 7am we are scheduled to be at Robert Packard Hospital. So soon we will have the girls in our hands, I can't believe it!
If my water breaks or I start having consistent contractions before May 1st I will be having the girls at the Arnot Ogden Hospital via Dr. Dolkart. He is away all this week so let's hope they stay put until he get's back at least.
If my water breaks or I start having contractions between May 1st and May 5th then I will be able to have the girls in Sayre at the Robert Packard Hospital via Dr. Wood.
Needless to say Riley and Makenzie will be here before we know it! Everything is ready for them, now it's just time to mentally prepare for double the trouble and twice the blessing!
*NST: Non-Stress Test
They wrap two belts (more depending on how many babies you are having) around your abdomen. One measures the baby's heart rate and the other monitors contractions (if any). You're hooked up to the machine for 20-30mins, feel free to read some magazines or surf the web on your phone(:
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